Thursday, February 24, 2011
Islamic World Revolution- No Acceptance Of Autocrats
The Quran recitation is a great way of getting the closeness of Allah (SWT), we all need to understand that Allah (SWT) has put our success in His orders and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam).
Islam is the religion that is strictly against the dictatorship because it’s a style of leadership which can ruin the policy matters of a state. Islam believes that the people and the state should consider Allah Almighty the supreme authority and of course a human can’t be a supreme authority.
An autocrat or dictator may have this feeling of supreme authority that’s why it’s not appreciated in Islam. Allah (SWT) tells us about the rudeness of Pharaoh, Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: “I am your lord most high”. This was the statement of Pharaoh and Allah (SWT) dint like it at all.
Islam is the religion that is strictly against the dictatorship because it’s a style of leadership which can ruin the policy matters of a state. Islam believes that the people and the state should consider Allah Almighty the supreme authority and of course a human can’t be a supreme authority.
An autocrat or dictator may have this feeling of supreme authority that’s why it’s not appreciated in Islam. Allah (SWT) tells us about the rudeness of Pharaoh, Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: “I am your lord most high”. This was the statement of Pharaoh and Allah (SWT) dint like it at all.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Value of Holy Quran in the eyes of Muslims
Muslims believe Quran to be verbatim word of ALLAH. The last divine book reveled on the final Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Today the only divine book that has no human intervention and fabrication is the Holy Quran. Quran has historical, astronomical, technological, scientific, mathematical and many other miracles that are proved by the authentic science. There are predictions made in Quran, of those many have been discovered by mankind. Islam is a belief system with moral and practical laws that have their source in the Holy Quran. ALLAH says in Quran:
The Miracle of Pharaoh in the Holy Quran
Pharaoh is one of the most discussed and important character of ancient Egyptian history. He is mentioned in bible, torah and the Holy Quran. The most authentic accounts of pharaoh and Egypt is mentioned in Quran which are exact when compared with tangible historical data. Pharaoh regarded himself as deity and responded with slanders and threats to Prophet Musa’s (AS) calls for him to believe in Allah. The arrogance of pharaoh was punished by Allah and it was mentioned in Quran. Allah says in Quran:
“We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he [Pharaoh] said: "I believe that there is no god but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes. I am one of the Muslims." (Qur'an, 10:90)
The Holy Quran tells to respect other religions
Islam is a religion of peace, in the times of Islamic glory Muslims and non-Muslims used to live together in peace and harmony under the Islamic states. Muslims follow the Holy Quran for divine principles to achieve salvation. Muslims strictly adhere to the laws and regulations laid down by the ALLAH Almighty. The moral duty of a Muslim is not limited to his family; rather he has duties regarding neighbors, society he lives in and the Muslim Ummah.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Quran and the historical facts
In previous two parts, I described about the three major archaeological findings that came into attention of the learned people of the world. If one takes these into consideration, using evidence, logical reasoning and intellect of mind, it quickly becomes crystal clear that the Quran and the historical signs contained in it, has been revealed by the Almighty Allah. in this part I will tell you about the people of the Hijr (Stone).
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Quran and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
In Quran and the Egyptian History, I described about the two major archaeological findings. In this part, I will give details about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Prophet Lut (A.S) who was the nephew of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) was send to these cities of “SODOM and GOMORRAH”. They use to practice a perversion and dreadful act of homosexuality, which was never practiced before them. Allah says in Quran:
We turned the place completely upside down and rained down on them stones of hard-baked clay. There are certainly Signs in that for the discerning. They were beside a road which still exists. There is certainly a Sign in that for the believers. (Qur'an, 15:74-77)
The Holy Quran, Chapter 15, Verse 74-77
Quran and the Egyptian History
One of the many miracles of Quran is the historical facts present in it. Many archaeological finds are discovered just recently and they were mentioned 1400 years ago in Quran. The story of Musa (A.S) and Pharaoh is mentioned in Quran, where Allah mentioned that He will save the body of Pharaoh as a sign for future generations.
"Today, we will preserve your body, to set you up as a lesson for future generations." Unfortunately, many people are totally oblivious to our signs.
The Holy Quran, Chapter 10, Verse 92
Importance of understanding Quran
Muslims believe Quran to be the word of Allah. the most important reason to read and understand Quran with meaning is that it’s the word and guidance from Allah to mankind. When we work in a office we have to follow the rules and regulations of the company, same is the case with Quran. We are the creation and we must follow the rules and regulations laid down by the Creator.
Purpose of creation of mankind according to Quran
Muslims believe Quran to be the final word of ALLAH. Whoever studies Quran with intellect and logical reasoning will come to the conclusion that Quran is a divine revelation. there comes a time in life of every human when he/she thinks the reason for the purpose of the creation. why are we born on planet earth and Who is controlling everything? On this quest to search for truth and purpose almost everyone ends up reverting to Islam. Quran has answers to every question that a human mind is unable to answer. ALLAH says in Quran:
"I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship"
The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 51, Verse 56
The essential purpose for which the mankind is created is to worship one God, the creator of mankind and universe. Every creation in this world and universe has needs . In islam each and every action of a person can become worship if it is done in accordance with the commands laid doing by ALLAH in Quran or authentic Sunnah. In chapter al-An'aam, ALLAH says:
"Say: 'Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for ALLAH, the Lord of all the worlds.' " The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 6, Verse 162
Without the knowledge of the purpose of creation, human beings wander aimlessly. We see that even the most developed nations like Japan, America and Europe have the highest number of suicides. As they don’t have proper satisfaction and answers to the purpose of creation and what will happen after death. Islam is and has the solution for all problems of the world.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Holy Quran and the people with intellect
One may feel after understanding the Holy Quran, it invites people to ponder on the signs that there is a Divine existence. On numerous occasions in Quran Allah has addressed those with intellect, and called them to ponder on different things. Allah says in Quran:
"But none will grasp the message except the men of intellect."
The Holy Quran, Chapter 2, Verse 269
How Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
One of the oldest Quran |
Quran is the final word of God to Mankind and it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In order to have a better understanding of Quran it is important to study how it was revealed and in context it was revealed. Quran was revealed in a period of 23 years, it was not revealed all at once rather it was received by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on different occasions and incidents.
Has Paris Hilton Converted to Islam: truth or hoax?
There are so many rumors spreading that Paris Hilton has converted to Islam and has left her previous obscene and vulgar lifestyle full of materialism. All the websites that are reporting this are highly doubtful news are quoting from one website as the wordings are same in all the sources that are spreading this rumor. Apparently she has said
"Forget Scientology or Kaballah. This is the religion to be in now. I'm not going to be wearing a piece of red string on my wrist or walk around like a robot talking to Xenu. Islam is the new must-have religion. And I'm going to spread the word of the Quran to everyone," an excited Paris Hilton said.
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Poorly edited Paris picture |
First of all this does not seem to be the tone of a Muslim sister who reverted to Islam in search for peace. There are many many famous personalities in the past that have reverted to Islam because they were searching for peace of mind and soul. Reading this statement alone gives a solid proof that this is hoax and a big lie while she is busy in her trip in Middle East. Let us suppose even if this is true, even then she is taking this as a new trend, fashion or something new to experience for a while.
The report is poorly written and the picture is poorly photoshoped, but its spreading fast just because people love rumors and talk about others ups and down. Having said this in the end I would like to pray that May ALLAH guide her if she seeks for peace and truth.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Perfection of Quran from literary aspect
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Quran |
The superiority and dominance of Quran on ones intellect is so strong that even if they are not Muslims they regard it in high esteem. Quran is a Divine revelation and there is not a single error or flaw in it, the authority of this book can easily be judged by reading it. If Quran gives references of history then they are authentic, accurate and even proved by the modern archeologists. When Quran refers to science they have been established facts in this technological era. Predictions mentioned in Quran 1400 years ago have been fulfilled in different times for example, the prophecy of Pharaohs dead body to be made sign for others.
Etiquette of Reciting the Quran
Muslims believe Quran to be the word of God and the guidance laid down from God for Mankind. Muslims give tremendous importance and respect to the book of ALLAH. It is compulsory for Muslims to learn and understand Quran, in every Muslim household there is at least one copy of this Book.
Monday, January 31, 2011
What Quran tells about Hereafter
Every Muslim believe that life of this world is temporary and a trail for the eternal life i.e. hereafter. Allah emphasizes in Quran again and again on the fact that life of this world is merely a test, in order that He may judge who among us follow the guidance and who doesn’t. Allah says in Quran
“O my people, verily this present life is but a temporary enjoyment; but the life to come is the mansion of firm continuance.”
The Holy Quran, Chapter 40, Verse 39
Uprising in the Muslim world against tyrant rulers
Rational is always what is possible, impossible is irrational. People always make decisions or conclude what is realistically possible. History is evident that there have been various cases where events turned in a way which was impossible to even imagine or seeing it practical. The corrupt and oppressive leaders of the Muslim world never imagine that time will change. The authority, power and wealth they hold can go away in days. The overconfidence in their personalities for their authorities and power have made them so blind that such thought may have never even occurred in their minds. Same was the case with Tunisian tyrant ex-President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. He held the office from 7th November, 1987, until he was forced to step down and flee the country on 14 January, 2011. He oppressed the Tunisians for a period of 23 years. He could have never imagined that he will have to run away from the very country he ruled for 23 years.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
How to respond to the Bashing against Islam
The enemies of Islam were fully active during the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). When Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) started preaching the truth and ALLAH’s message, there were many enemies of Islam who opposed it and went to every means to stop the truth from spreading. They had no valid reason other than worldly desires and they didn’t wanted their temporary leadership and power to decrease. But they failed to stop the truth from spreading and those who stand support falsehood will always fail to stop truth, falsehood is bound to perish. ALLAH says in Quran:
“And say, “The truth is here and falsehood has ceased to be! Indeed, falsehood is ever bound to vanish!” [Holy Quran 17:81]
Why Muslim youth get confused
The world has become a global village. What is happening in some street in America can be heard in Australia or other parts of the world. If a bomb explodes in Pakistan the whole world knows about it. People living thousand miles away can interact through internet or telecommunication or can travel thousand miles in some hours. All of this has made life easier and luxurious for mankind. Every positive thing can be made negative or can be seen as negative with a different mindset.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Why Islamophobia and Misconceptions against Islam
Islam is the second largest religion in the world with almost 1.8 billion followers. Islam is the only religion in the world that is rapidly growing. A huge number of people are converting from other faiths to Islam. In America alone Islam is the fastest growing religion, however the enormous growth of Muslim reverts has led to a new line of propaganda that tries to give false and fake figures to show that Islam is not the fastest growing religion. In the past non-Muslim sources use to publish reports that suggests that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and especially America. Here is a link to News that was published before the false operation 9/11.
Oppression and lies against Islam & Muslims
Especially after the 9/11 twin tower incident, there has been so much bashing, negative stereotyping, propaganda and Islamophobia. Muslims are looked as terrorists. Thousands and thousands of books are written and published against ISLAM and Muslims. In doing so they are crossing every limit, from creating misconceptions against Quran, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Islamic laws and whatever they can find they try hard to give a wrong picture or create confusion.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Books of ALLAH and the World (part 2)
The reason of these divine signs, whether they are to be found in the Quran or in the "book" of nature, is the same: it is to educate human beings about the natural world of the Divine truth. To be an individual of knowledge, one must learn two registers of divine communication: the Arabic text of the Quran and the "text" of the natural world. The world is a book to be considered and educated by the person of knowledge, just as the word of God is a book to be studied and learned by the religious scholar. In Quran ALLAH has called the people of intellect to ponder on the world and to find ALLAH.
Islam encourages Science (part 2)
In the Quran, ALLAH summons people to ponder and inspect the signs of creation in their surroundings. The final Messenger of ALLAH, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), also encouraged people to obtain knowledge. He insisted that it is our duty to seek out knowledge. In the authentic Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) we read:
“Seeking of knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim”
“Seeking of knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim”
“Acquire the knowledge and impart it to the people.”
The two sides of Extremism in Pakistan
In my previous post I gave a very brief account of the reasons and the present state of Pakistan. Now there are two extreme sides existing in Pakistan. On one side we have extreme Mullahs who interpret a version of Islam that they think is right, and on the other side there are seculars who have no value of Islam and they also interpret and mould Islamic values according to their new modernized mindset. Both want Islam to be the way they want it to be rather then accepting it the way ALLAH has revealed it for humanity.
The Pakistan our forefathers sacrificed for and the Pakistan today
Pakistan was founded on the basis that there should be a separate Muslim state, where Muslims are able to practice their religion and culture freely. Muslim independence has its derivation in the provinces where the minority Muslims resided as they faced social and political marginalization. This ultimately resulted in the creation of Pakistan which led to history’s greatest migration of refugees. A huge number of Muslim men, women and children were massacred in the process. The name Pakistan is a combination of two verbs ‘Pak’ and ‘Stan’, “Pak” in Urdu means “Pure”, “Stan” means place. Pakistan means “land of the Pure”. Land of the Pure believers of ALLAH.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Quran Leads the Way to Science

Islam encourages science
Islam is the religion of raison d'être, intellect and principles. An individual identifies the fact declared by ALLAH by utilizing his intelligence, but derives results from the reality he has seen by going after his conscience. A person using the sense of his reason and conscience, upon probing the traits of any given entity in the universe, although he may not be a specialist in such subjects, would comprehend that it was formed by a holder of great Wisdom, Knowledge and Might.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Books of ALLAH and the World

“ALLAH effaces and establishes what HE wills, and with HIM is the source of all commandments.” [Quran 13:39]
Teaching and Learning in the Quran
The ultimate source of knowledge for Muslims and for their moral conduct is from ALLAH through the Divine revelation ‘Quran’. In Islam, it is the principal source of learning and to take guidance. The Arabic word Quran is a vocal noun that holds the implication of a "constant reading," "recital," or message that is given an account or listened to over and over again. Therefore, the term may be explained into English as "recitation," "recital," or even "teaching".
Learning Quran an Integral part for a Muslim

Allah says:
Divine code of Laws by ALLAH
Islam is a code of laws revealed by the one and only God of the heavens and the earth’s i.e. ALLAH, through His Messenger, Muhammad, for the direction of the whole of mankind. This guidance, which can be considered as Permanent Values for humanity, is completely conserved in the Book of ALLAH, known as the Quran. Moreover, Islam vigorously and assertively advances the claim that if life is led in complete obedience with and in absolute subordination to the eternal Values, it will be rid of all the travails and difficulty in which the entire world of the present day finds itself weighed down accusing humanity to a hellish life regardless of the astonishing and overwhelming objects and scientific development.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Good or Evil, Who decides?
Every human with an intellectual reasoning, concludes that there is a Divine Power that is controlling everything in this universe. Even Atheists cannot defend their claim with any logical reasoning.
A man is born innocent with an independence to become good or bad. Man is gifted by intelligence and potentiality. If he develops them and utilizes them for the ethical and material improvement of mankind, his conduct is good; if he is unsuccessful to make the most of his enormous resources or puts them to uses which are destructive to mankind, his conduct is bad. Divine Guidance points out the way to self understanding and to the encouragement of knowledge and happiness.
Who will decide that conscience of a Person is right or wrong?
Man is a moral being, able to distinguish among right and wrong, and free to choose either. On the other hand, he finds that it is not simple to differentiate good from evil, nor is it easy to decide what is good, when it is known. In his own self there is no certain guide to the good. No moral sense leads him precisely to the right path. It is apparent that there are no unanimously accepted moral codes, for there are as many codes as cultural groups in the world. Each tribe or nation seems to have developed a code of its own, which is improper to others, or in some cases offensive to other groups. For example having a relationship before marriage is very normal in western societies while in eastern societies its offensive and strictly forbidden.
Quran- A constitution for Humanity
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Quran |
The Divine book revealed to the final messenger of ALLAH is Quran. The confirmation provided by the Quran itself, as well as chronological research, proves that the original Quranic text has not been altered or is expected to be tainted in the future. This is an exclusive characteristic of the Quran and is not shared by the previous Divine books now extant.
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